For Advertisers

Ads that truly move

Stay one step ahead of your competitors. Be a first-mover and take advantage of this globally unique advertising platform.


Targeted. Positive.
Actively boost your brand exposure with consumers, who are already positively-inclined to seeing your message. Targeted and without costly spreading losses.


Engage with existing and potential customers when THEY want to, and enjoy high engagement rates.


Always Visible. Full Screen.
Be right there with the consumer whenever they unlock their phone. Full screen. Fully engaged consumer. Viewable in full.


Emotional Impact
Make an impact on consumers’ minds and hearts! Your ads will truly move them, and will make a difference for both consumers and society.

nate is different

More Attractive

People who are socially committed are on average more skilled, are in higher income brackets, and are more likely to hold a university degree.


Germany and Austria alone count for 15 million Android users who have a propensity to help, and are thus possible fundraisers. By including active sports or other club members, the potential is immense.

More Sustainable

Doing good has no expiration date. Due to open and transparent communication of a project’s progress, as well as the opportunity to choose one’s own heartfelt project, consumers will remain active for longer and will be more eager to share their experience of the app with their friends.

Better Received

A positive image is intensified by directly connecting advertising with fundraising for consumers’ personal, heartfelt projects. Also, advertising is displayed with active user consent.


Simply contact us directly.